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作者:   时间:2018-12-17   点击数:
姓名: 刘树堂
民族: 汉族
学历: 博士
职称: 教授
导师信息: 博士生导师
党派: 共产党
电话: 0531-88393771
传真: 0531-88392205
学科一: 控制科学与工程
学科二: 系统工程
邮箱: stliu@sdu.edu.cn
个人主页: http://
所在院系: 9778818威尼斯官网控制科学与工程学院
研究方向: 复杂系统的定性理论与控制; 非线性系统的混沌,分岔控制; 分形理论的应用与控制; 自适应控制.
通信地址: 济南市经十路17923号 9778818威尼斯官网控制科学与工程学院
1  2004年全国百篇优秀博士学位论文获得者(由国务院学位办,教育部共同组织实施,控制理论和控制工程学科)。
2  国际混沌和复杂网络中心委员会委员 (Centre for Chaos and Complex Networks)
3  美国数学评论(Americal Mathematical Reviews)评论员
4  美国数学会(Americal Mathematical Society) 会员
5  国际WSEAS自动控制学术委员会委员  
6  国际杂志 《Complex Systems》, 《Tran. of the American Mathematical Society》 《IEEE Trans. On Circuits and Systems I》,《IEEE TAC》,《Automatica》和国内刊物《中国科学》、《科学通报》,《自动化学报》的审稿人。

1 19847—19858,吉林大学基础数学专业访问学者。
1995, 1—1996, 3,中国海洋大学访问学者。
200010—20026,在香港城市大学国际著名混沌控制理论专家陈关荣(Guanrong Chen,              美国休斯敦大学终身职教授,香港城市大学讲座教授)博士的混沌和复杂网络中心 (Centre for Chaos and Complex Networks) 攻读博士学位,接受联合培养并学术合作研究。
20027— 9778818威尼斯官网控制科学与工程学院工作(Full Professor)。
200311—中国科学院系统科学研究院作陈翰馥院士的博士后。(主要从事于2-D 系统的随机逼近和最优化控制)

专 利 及 获 奖 情 况

1  2004年全国百篇优秀博士学位论文获得者(国务院 学位办,教育部 实施,控制理论和控制工程学科)。
论文 " The Mathematical Model and Its Chaos of the Thinking of A Programme Design  in Solving A Problem" 在国际会议 "高新技术改造传统产业国际研讨会" 上被评为优秀论文一等奖.
全国第一届秦元勛微分方程系统稳定性奖 ( 等同于 控制科学学科 设置的学科奖, 关肇直奖 ).


主持 2005,1-2010,12, 国务院,教育部设置的“全国百篇优秀博士学位论文获得者国家专项基金(No.200444).

主持2005,12007,12 国家自然科学基金资助项目, (No.60472112), “空间混沌分岔控制与应用”。

主持2004,12004,12 国家自然科学基金资助项目, (No.60372028), “空间离散动力系统混沌分岔控制与同步”。

主持 2009,12011,12 国家自然科学基金资助项目, “分形控制与应用” (No.600874009)

     主持2010,12012,12 国家自然科学基金资助项目, “分子轨道的混合分岔控制” (No.10971120)

     主持2013,12016.12 国家自然科学基金资助项目, “海洋藻类凝聚分形生长的定区域控制”No.61273088)

主持 2011,01201312山东省自然科学基金资助项目“海洋藻类凝聚与分形生长的定区域控制与应用 (No. ZR2010FM010)

主持 2003,8-2004-8教育部回国留学人员科研启动项目,2-D离散动力系统混沌控制与同步”。

主持 中国科学院系统科学研究院博士后基金项目(No.2004035036), “空间混沌的分岔控制与应用”。

主持 2003-2005,中国科学院王宽诚博士后工作奖励基金。

 主持19982001年山东省自然科学基金资助项目“泛函差分方程的定性理论及其应用的研究 (No. Y98A02005)

主持 9778818威尼斯官网特别研究津贴项目, “空间混沌控制与应用”。

参于2000-2003,国家自然科学重点基金资助项目” 大时滞系统理论和应用”的研究任务 (No. 69934030)

参与19972000,国家自然科学基金资助项目” 差分方程的定性理论和应用”的研究 (No. 19771051)

主 要 论 著

     在国内外学术刊物发表专业学术论文70多篇,其中在国际刊物发表40多篇. 并有23篇被 SCI 收录, 有多篇文章被他人SCI引文索引113次。
1. Shu Tang Liu and Guanrong Chen, Asymptotic Behavior of Delay 2-D Discrete Logistic  Systems, IEEE Trans. On Circuits
   and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications,Vol. 49, No.11, November, 2002, 1677-1682.
2. Shu Tang Liu and Guanrong Chen, On Spatial Lyapunov Exponents and Spatial Chaos,International Journal of
   Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Vol.15,No.5,2003,1163-1181
3. Shu Tang Liu and Shitao Wu, Uniformity of Spatial Physical Motion Systems and Spatial Chaos Behavior in the Sense
   of Li-Yorke, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 16,
   No. 9 (2006) 2697–2703
4. Shu Tang Liu and Guanrong Chen, Nonlinear feedback-controlled generalized synchronization of spatial chaos, Chaos,
   Solitons and Fractals,Vol.22, No.4, 2004,35-46.
5. Guanrong Chen, Shu Tang Liu, Linearization, Stability and Oscillation of the Discrete Delay Logistic System , IEEE
   Trans. On Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications. Vol. 50, No.6, November, 2003, 1822-1862.
6. Guanrong Chen and Shu Tang Liu, On Spatial Periodic Orbits and Spatial Chaos, International Journal of Bifurcation
    and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Enginering, Vol.15, No 4, 2003, 867-876
7.  Guanrong Chen, Shu Tang Liu, On Generalized Synchronization of patial, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals,Vol.15,
8. Shu Tang Liu, Nuclear Fission and spatial chaos, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 30 (2006) 453–462
9. Shu Tang Liu, Shitao Wu, Spacial chaos behavior of molecular orbit, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 31 (2007)
Shu Tang Liu, B.G.Zhang, Oscillatory Behavior of Delay Partial Difference Equations with Positive and Negative
    Coefficients, Computers Math. Applic.,  43(2002), 915-964.
11. Shou Gang Sui , Shu Tang Liu, Control of Julia sets, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 26 (2005) 1135–1147
12. Shu Tang Liu, Yong Qing Liu, Oscillation for Nonlinear Partial Difference Equation with Positive and Negative Coefficients, Computers Math. Applic., 43(2002), 1219 -1230.
13. Shu Tang Liu, Ping Jin, Oscillatory Behavior of Delay Partial Difference Equations, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica. Vol. 47 (1-2),2003, pp.151,-167.
14. Shu Tang Liu, Oscillation Theorems for Second-order Nonlinear Partial Difference Equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 132(2001),479 -482.
15.  Shu Tang Liu, Yong Qing Liu, Oscillations of Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Partial Difference Systems, Computers Math. Applic., Vol.47. N0. 4/5,(2004), 621-629.
16. Shu Tang Liu,  Dong You Han , Asymptotic Behavior and Oscillations for  Nonlinear Delay Partial Difference Equations with Variable Coefficients , Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, (2005) 29, 1069-1086
17. Shu Tang Liu, Guanrong, Oscillations of Nonlinear Partial Difference Systems,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 277(2003), 689-700.
18. S. T. Liu, X.P.Guan, J.Yang, Nonexistence of Positive Solution of A Class of Nonlinear Delay Partial Difference Equation, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,34(1999),361-371.
19. B.G.Zhang, Shu Tang Liu, Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Oscillation of Partial Difference Equations, Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impuleive Systems, 1997,Vol.3 No.1,89-96.
20.  X.P.Guan,J.Yang  S. T. Liu, Nonexistence of Positive Solution of a Class of Nonlinear Difference Equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 119 (20 01),187-195.
21. S. T. Liu, Qing Yong Liu, Xin Ping Guan.Jun Yang, Existence of Monotone Positive Solution of Neutral Partial Difference Equation,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,247, 384-396(2000).
22. B.G.Zhang, S.T. Liu, On the Oscillation of Partial Difference Equations, Journal

of Mathematical Analysis and Applications , 1997, Vol, 206, 480-492.
23. B.G.Zhang, Shu Tang Liu, Oscillations of Partial with Variable Coefficients  Computers Math. Applic., Vol.36. N0. 10-12,(1998), 235-242.
24. S .S.Cheng, G. Zhang, S. T. Liu, Stability of Oscillatory Solutions of Difference Equation with Delays, Chinese Journal of Mathematics, Vol. No.4,2000, 503-516
25.  Shu Tang Liu,etc., Oscillations of Second-Order Nonlinear Partial Difference Equations
Rocky Mountain J. of Math., Volume 34, Number 2, Summer 2004, 699-711.
26. Y. D. Zhang and  S. T. Liu, Construction of Periodic Orbits and Chaos, Systems Enginering and Electronics Teachnology,Vol. 13, No.1,2002, 67-72.
27. Shu Tang Liu, Zhongyue Han, Oscillation of Delay Partial Difference Equations with Positive and Negative Coefficients, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 27(1)(2003),811-824.
28. Shu Tang Liu and Guanrong Chen, Linearization and Stability of Generalized One-Dimensional Delay Discrete Logistic,Control Theory and Application.2002, Vol.19, No.3, 419-422.
29. Shu Tang Liu,etc., Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for  Oscillation of Hyperbolic and Elliptic Type Delay Partial Difference Equations,Ann. of Diff. Eqs.,17:1(2001),42-51.
30. X. P. Guan, J.Yang S. T. Liu, Oscillatory Behavior of High Nonlinear Neutral Difference Equation, Hokkaido Mathematical Journal. Vol. XXVIII No.2,2000,394 -343.
31. S. T. Liu, S. S. Cheng, Asymptotic Stability of Analytic Difference Equati- ons,Part A: Physical Science and Engineering, 24(5), 2000, 390-393.
32. S.S.Cheng, S. T. Liu, Zhang Guang, A Multivariate Oscillation Theorem. Fasciculi Mathematicai Nr.30,1999,15-22.
33. S. T. Liu, Qing Yong Liu, Zhang Yong Dong, Asymptotic Behavior for a Class of Delay 2-D Discretemic System. Proceedings of the Iternational Conference on Differential Equations and Commputational Simulations,206–209,1999.
34. Shu Tang Liu,etc., Asymptotic  Behavior and Oscillation of Delay Partial Difference Equations with Positive and Negative Coefficients
Rocky Mountain J. of Math., Volume 33, Number 3, Fall, 2003 953-970.
35. S.T. Liu, B.G.Zhang. Oscillation of A Class of Partial Difference Equations. Pan American Mathematical Journal,8(1998), No.1.93-100.
36. S.T.Liu and Hui Wang. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Oscillations of  A Class of Delay Partial Difference Equations, Dynamical Systems and Applications, 7(1998) 495-500.
37. Shu Tang Liu, Oscillations of Nonlinear Delay Partial Difference Equations with  Positive and Negative Coefficients ,Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics,  (2005),29: 1069-1086.  
38. Shu Tang Liu,etc., Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Oscillation of Hyperbolic and Elliptic Type Delay Partial Difference Equations, Ann. of Diff. Eqs.
17:1 (2001),42-51.
39. S.T. Liu, S.S.Cheng,Existence of Positive Solutions for a Partial Difference Equation. Far East Journal Mathematical science,5(3), 1997,381-392.
40. S.T. Liu,S.S.Cheng, Nonexistence of Positive Solutions of A Nonlinear Partial  Difference Equation,Tamkang Journal of Mathematics,1997,Vol.28 No.51-58.
41. S.T. Liu, S.S.Cheng.Oscillation Criteria for Nnonlinear Difference Equation,Far East Journal Mathematical Science, 5(4), 1997, 657-672.
42. B.G.Zhang, S. T. Liu, S.S.Cheng, Oscillation of a Class of Delay Partial Difference Equation, Journal of Difference Equation and it's Application,1(1995), 215-226.
43. S.T. Liu, S.S.Cheng,Comparison Theorems for A Nonlinear Three term Equatiion Tamkingg Journal of Math ematics, 1997
Vol,28. 4. 31 3-319.
44. B.G.Zhang, S.T. Liu,Oscillation of Pertial Difference Equations, Pan Americal Mathematical Journal, 1995, Vol,7. 60-71.
45. S.S.Cheng S. T. Liu, Zhang Guang, A Multivariate Oscillation Theorem. Fasciculi Mathematicai, Nr. 30, 1999, 15-22.
46. S.S.Cheng, S.T. Liu, B.G.Zhang,Positive Flows of Infinite Network, Communications in Applied Analysis, Vol. 1.No.1, 1997, 83-90.
47. Shaozhu Cheng and S.T. Liu, Exponential Growth and Oscillation of Nonlinear  Homogeneous Difference Equ. Ann. of Diff. Eqs. 1997, Vol.4,327-337.
48. B. G. Zhang,S. T. Liu, Necessary and  Sufficient Conditions for Oscillations of Linear Delay Partial Difference Equation. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Socicity, 1997,Vol. pp.256-268.
49. B. G. Zhang,S. T. Liu, Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Oscillations of Partial Difference Equations. Nonlinear studies ,Vol.3 , No.2, 1996.187-192.
50. Y. D. Zhang and S. T. Liu,Construction of Periodic Orbits and Chaos, Systems Enginering and Electronics Teachnology,2004, (To appear)
51. B. G. Zhang, S. T. Liu, Sui Sun Cheng, Oscillation of A Class of Delay Partial Difference Equation,Journal of Difference Equation and  it's Applications, 1995, Vol.1, 215 -226.
52. S.T. Liu, S. S. Cheng, Asymptotic Stability of analytic Difference Equations,Part A: Physical Science and Engineering, 24 (5), 2000, 390-393.
53. G. Zhang, S.T. Liu, Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Oscillations of Delay      Partial Difference Equations, Discussiones Mathematical Differential Indusious, 15(1995),213-219.
54. Zhang B. G. and S. T. Liu, Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Oscillaton of Hyperbolic Type Partial Difference Equations, “On Advances in Difference Equation ” Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1997, 649-656.  
刘树堂, 张炳根, 数学进展, 2003, Vol.32, No.4, 386-397

主 讲 研 究 生 课 程





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