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作者:   时间:2018-12-17   点击数:
姓名: 魏守水
民族: 汉族
出生年月: 1965.11
学历: 博士
职称: 教授
导师信息: 博士生导师
职务: 生医所书记、副所长
党派: 共产党
电话: 0531-8392827(O)
学科一: 生物医学工程
学科二: 控制科学与工程
邮箱: sswei@sdu.edu.cn
个人主页: http://
所在院系: 9778818威尼斯官网控制科学与工程学院
研究方向: 心电实时监护与健康大数据处理、生物微机电系统(BioMEMS)设计、仿真
通信地址: 济南市经十路17922号 9778818威尼斯官网千佛山校区控制科学与工程学院

中国第一届生理测量挑战赛顾问委员;山东省食品药品监督管理局医疗器械不良事件监测中心 专家咨询委员会委员;东大-联想穿戴式心脏-睡眠-情绪智能监控联合实验室学术委员会委员;生物医学工程学研究杂志编委;国家自然科学基金函评专家;中国生物医学工程学会会员;中国机械工程学会会员。





主 要 论 著



[1]          An improved sliding window integral area method for T wave detection. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. (under reviewing)

[2]          Electrocardiogram Acquisition and Reconstruction Based on Compressed Sensing.  IEEE ACCESS.  (under reviewing)

[3]         Atrial Fibrillation Beat Identification Using the Combination of Modified Frequency Slice Wavelet Transform and Convolution Neural Networks. Journal of Healthcare Engineering. (accepted)

[4]          Signal quality index-based two-step method for HR estimation by combining ECG and arterial blood pressure signals. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics.  (accepted)

[5]          Changes in the Bilateral Pulse Transit Time Difference with a Moving Arm.Technology and Health Care. (accepted)

[6]          Robust Reconstruction of Fluorescence Molecular Tomography Based on Sparsity Adaptive Correntropy Matching Pursuit Method for Stem Cell Distribution. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. (online)

[7]          Comparing performance of Random Forest, SVM and Their Variants for ECG Quality Assessment Combined with Nonlinear Features. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering. (online)

[8]          Comparison of time-domain, frequency-domain and non-linearanalysis for distinguishing congestive heart failure patients fromnormal sinus rhythm subjects. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 2108 (SCI)

[9]          The Accuracy on the Common Pan-Tompkins Based QRS Detection Methods Through Low-Quality Electrocardiogram Database. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics. 2107(SCI)

[10]      Comparison between heart rate variability and pulse rate variability during different sleep stages for sleep apnea patients. Journal of the European Society for Engineering and Medicine. 2017(SCI)

[11]     Change of bilateral difference in radial artery pulse morphology with one-side arm movement. Artery Research. 2017 (SCI)

[12]     A novel Encoding Lempel-Ziv complexity algorithm for quantifying the irregularity of physiological time series. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 2016(SCI)

[13]     Life-threatening false alarm rejection in ICU: using the rule-based and multi-channel information fusion method. Physiological Measurement 2106

[14]     Using Lempel-Ziv complexity to assess ECG signal quality. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering 2016SCI

[15]     一种编码式Lempel-Ziv复杂度用于生理信号分析. 生物医学工程学杂志 2016 (EI)

[16]     Rule-based method for morphological classification of ST segment in ECG signalsJournal of Medical and Biological Engineering. 2015SCI

[17]     Determination of sample entropy and fuzzy measure entropy parameters for distinguishing congestive heart failure from normal sinus rhythm subjects. Entropy 2015SCI

[18]     Performance Analysis of Multi-scale Entropy for the Assessment of ECG Signal QualityJournal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 2015 (EI)

[19]     Coupling double-distribution-function thermal lattice Boltzmann method based on the total energy typeActa Phys. Sin. 2015.SCI/EI

[20]     Analytical Solutions of Time Periodic Electroosmotic Flow in a Semicircular MicrochannelJournal of Applied Fluid Mechanics. 2015.SCI/EI

[21]     Modelling arterial pressure waveform using Gaussian functions and two-stage particle swarm optimizer. BioMed Research International, 2014.SCI

[22]     An ECGs quality assessment with genetic algorithm and kernel support machine using feature matrix. Journal of Zhejiang UniversityScience C. 2014.SCI

[23]     Use of velocity source immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method to study bionic micro-fluidic driving modelActa Phys. Sin. 2014SCI/EI

[24]     Simulation of biomimetic traveling-wave micro-pump using a modified immersed boundary lattice Boltzmann method,Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems. 2014

[25]     Research on suspended microparticlesransport driven by reflective acousticstreaming micropump,Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems. 2014 EI

[26]     Onset of triply diffusive convection in a Maxwell fluid saturated porous layer, Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2014SCI

[27]     Modeling carotid and radial artery pulse pressure waveforms by curve fitting with Gaussian functionsBiomedical Signal Processing and Control. 2013 (SCI

[28]     Fluid structure coupling analysis of boundary layer streaming driving micropump. Sensors and Transducers. 2013EI

[29]     Transient electro-osmotic flow of Oldroyd-B fluids in a straight pipe of circular cross section[J]. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. 2013SCIEI

[30]     Dynamic nodes partition algorithm for Ad Hoc networkChina Communications2011SCI

[31]     Radial anomalous diffusion in an annulusPhysica A .2011SCI

[32]     一种模拟三维红细胞变形的前向跟踪式格子Boltzmann方法.中国生物医学工程学报. 2012

[33]     An amperometric glucose biosensor based on a screen-printed electrode and Os-complex mediator for flow injection analysis. Measurement , 2012SCIEI


[34]     Coupling Analysis for Systolic, Diastolic and RR Interval Time Series Using Multivariable Fuzzy Measure Entropy. Computing in Cardiology 2017(EI). Rennes, France

[35]     Effect of ECG Signal Gain on the Detection Accuracy of Four Common QRS Detectors. CAC2017 (EI). Jinan, China

[36]     Performance evaluation for the sliding area-based T wave detection method on the QT database. CAC2017(EI) . Jinan, China

[37]     Robust reconstruction for fluorescence molecular tomography based on correntropy matching pursuit. IEEE NSS/MIC 2017(EI). Atlanta, USA

[38]     Comparison of Four Recovery Algorithms used in Compressed Sensing for ECG Signal Processing. Computing in Cardiology 2016. (EI). Vancouver, Canada

[39]     A signal quality assessment method for mobile ECG using multiple features and fuzzy support vector machine. ICNC-FSKD 2016, ( EI/CPCI). Changsha, China

[40]     On applying multi-scale entropy to quality assessment of ECG collected via mobile phoneCCC2015 (EI). Hangzhou, China






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