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作者:   时间:2024-03-21   点击数:










研究方向:1. 结构健康监测;2. 光谱分析;3. 光纤传感;4. 光电测试








●国际知名学术期刊IEEETrans.、Physical Review B、Measurement、Physical ReviewMaterials、Nanomaterials、Spectrochimica Acta Part A中国激光等期刊通讯审稿人。


2011-9 — 2014-6,天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院,工学博士学位

2011-4 — 2014-3,约翰开普勒林茨大学实验物理研究所,联合培养博士

2009-9 — 2011-6,天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院,工学硕士学位

2005-9 — 2009-7,天津大学管理学院,管理学学士学位

2005-9 —2009-7,天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院,工学学士学位












1. 基于光纤多参量感知的高速动车组关键结构状态监测与性能评估技术研究, 2020/01/05-2022/10/31

2.新一代高速磁浮列车结构健康及电磁铁温度监测系统开发, 2021/08/15-2024/06/30

3.基于近红外光谱的水泥生料成分在线检测关键技术研究, 2021/12/23-2024/12/31

4.基于多元高频数据的台区可开放容量及精细负荷资源分析提升服务, 2021/09/30-2022/12/31

5.基于用采大数据的社区智慧管理研发服务, 2021/08/25-2022/12/31

6. 高速磁浮列车关键部件光纤光栅动应力测试系统开发, 2020/09/20-2021/12/31

7. 基于光纤珐珀传感器的碳纤维复合材料结构损伤超声检测技术研究, 2020/09/18-2024/12/31

8. 高速列车关键结构健康监测与安全评估技术研究, 2019/11/01-2022/04/30

9. 时速 600 公里高速磁浮列车轻量化车体技术研究, 2019/03/20-2021/12/31

10. 基于显微差分反射光谱技术的有机薄膜制备在线检测方法研究, 2015/08/17-2018/12/31


[1]Li S, Wang S, Cheng Y, et al. Strain/displacement field reconstruction and load identification of bracket arm structure of high-speed maglev train based on superposition conversion algorithm[J]. Measurement, 2024, 224: 113945.

[2]S. Wang et al.,"Load Identification of High-Speed Train Crossbeam Based on Bayesian Finite ElementModel Updating andLoad-Strain Linear Superposition Algorithm," in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 23, no. 12, pp. 13489-13498, 15 June15, 2023

[3]J. Zhao et al., "Layout Optimization of FBG Sensor for Aluminum Alloy Beam Based on MOLA Multiobjective Optimization Algorithm," inIEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 23, no. 13, pp. 14129-14141, 1 July1, 2023.

[4]Z. Li et al., "Load Identification of High-Speed Train Crossbeams Using Neural NetworkMethod: Simulated and Experimental Studies," in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 72, pp. 1-10, 2023, Art no. 7505810

[5]Cheng, Yangyang, et al. "Multi-type dynamic load identification algorithm in continuous system: A numerical and experimental study based on SSM-Newmark-β." Applied Mathematical Modelling123 (2023): 810-834.

[6]Cheng Y, Zhang L, Jiang M, et al. Strain/displacement field reconstruction and load identification of high-speed train load-bearing structure based on linear superposition method[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022,71: 1-8.

[7]JiangYue,YanJie,ZhangLei,JiangMingshun,LuoYuxiang,SuiQingmei.Array FBG sensing and 3D reconstruction of spacecraft configuration[J].Optoelectronics Letters,2022,18(04):193-199.

[8]Zhang S, Yan J, Jiang M, et al. Visual reconstruction of flexible structure based on fiber grating sensor array and extreme learning machine algorithm[J]. Optoelectronics Letters, 2022, 18(7): 390-397.

[9]Yan, Jie, et al. "Displacementfield reconstruction technique for plate-like structures based on model superposition method." Measurement and Control 56.3-4 (2023): 654-667..

[10]Wang Y , Zhang L , Lv S , et al. In-situ Variable Reflectance Spectra Model of Two-dimensional Material Prepared by CVD[J]. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2021:126034.

[11]Cheng Y, Li Z, Wang G, et al. Strain field reconstruction of crossbeam structure based onload–strain linear superposition method[J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2021, 30(7): 075020.

[12]Li Z, Cheng Y, Zhang L, et al. Strain field reconstruction of high-speed train crossbeam based onFBG sensing network and load-strain linear superpositionalgorithm[J].IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021, 22(4): 3228-3235.

[13]Huang, Kelong; Yan, Jie; Zhang, Lei; Zhang, Faye; Jiang, Mingshun; Sui, Qingmei; Research on Reconstruction Technology of Flexible Structure Shape Based on FBG Sensor Array and Deep Learning Algorithm, Structural Durability and Health Monitoring, 2021, 15(4)

[14]Yang Zhenfa, Xiao Hang,Zhang Lei, et al. Fast determination of oxides content in cement raw meal using NIR spectroscopy combined with synergy interval partial least square and different preprocessing methods[J]. Measurement, 2020, 149: 106990.

[15]肖航, 杨振发, 张雷, et al. 温度对水泥生料近红外光谱检测的影响及补偿方法[J]. 中国激光, 2020, 47(1).

[16]肖航, 杨振发, 张雷, et al.湿度对水泥生料近红外光谱检测的影响及补偿方法[J].光谱学与光谱分析, 2020,40(3).

[17]Wang Y , Zhang L , Yang W , et al. An In Situ Reflectance Spectroscopic Investigation to Monitor Two-Dimensional MoS2 Flakes on a Sapphire Substrate[J]. Materials, 2020, 13(24):5794.

[18]Wang Y , Zhang L , Xiao H , et al. Coverage-Dependent Differential Reflectance Spectra of MoS2 Atomic Films Synthesized by CVD Using a Large-Diameter Quartz Tube[J]. Solid State Communications, 2020, 318:113976.

[19]杨振发, 肖航, 张雷,等. 基于近红外光谱的水泥生料氧化物含量快速测定方法研究[J]. 分析化学, 2020, 048(002):275-281.

[20]WangYina,Zhang Lei, Su Chenhui,Lv Shanshan, Zhang Faye, Sui Qingmei, Jia Lei, Jiang Mingshun. Direct Observation of Monolayer MoS2 Prepared by CVD Using In-Situ Differential Reflectance Spectroscopy[J].Nanomaterials, 2019, 9(11): 1640.

[21]Xiao Hang, Yang Zhenfa,Zhang Lei, et al. Compositional Analysis of Cement Raw Meal by Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy[J]. Analytical Letters, 2019: 1-7.

[22]Yang Zhenfa, Xiao Hang,Zhang Lei, et al. Fast determination of oxide content in cement raw meal using NIR spectroscopy with the SPXY algorithm[J].Analytical Methods, 2019, 11(31):3936-3942.

[23]Yang Zhenfa, Xiao Hang,Zhang Lei, et al.Fast determination of oxides content in cement raw meal using NIR-spectroscopy and backward interval PLS with genetic algorithm[J].Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2019, 223: 117327.

[24]Zhang Lei; Huo Shuchun; Fu Xing; Hohage Michael; Sun Lidong , Kinetic Barrier Against Standing Up of Pentacene Molecules Upon a PentaceneMonolayer , Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters, 2018.08, 12(8):0~1800230

[25]Zhang Lei; Fu X.; Hohage M.; Zeppenfeld P.; Sun L. D., Growth ofpentacene on alpha-Al2O3(0001) studied by in situ optical spectroscopy , PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS, 2017.09.7, 1(4): 0~043401

[26]Zhang Lei; Hu Chunguang; Fu Xing; Jiang Mingshun; Sui Qingmei; Jia Lei, Pentacene crystal transition during the growth on SiO2 studied by in situoptical spectroscopy , Synthetic Metals, 2017.09, 231: 65~69

[27]Zhang Lei, Fu Xing, SunLidong,PeterZeppenfeld. C60 adsorption on Cu (110) studied by optical spectroscopy[J]. physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters, 2014, 8(2): 133-136.

[28]Zhang Lei; Liu, C. Y.; Fu, X.; Sun, L. D.; Zeppenfeld, P., Pentacene/Cu(110) interface formation monitored by in situoptical spectroscopy , Physical Review B, 2014.1.24, 89(3)


1. 驱动可调谐激光器的自动锁相恒流源电路及方法

2. 一种基于双向GRU的滚动轴承剩余寿命预测方法及系统

3. 基于数字孪生的高速列车承载结构变形监测方法及系统

4. 基于载荷应变线性叠加的应变场重构可视化方法及系统

5. 一种滚动轴承故障诊断方法及系统

6. 基于离散余弦循环谱相干的滚动轴承故障诊断方法及系统

7. 基于增强梅尔线性频率倒谱系数的滚动轴承故障诊断方法

8. 一种分时复用的反射异性差分光学测量装置及方法

9. 一种冲击定位识别装置及方法

10. 一种基于珐珀干涉的免标记光纤生物传感探针



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